Course Requirements for the APS Major (B.A., Astronomy)
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Astrophysics/Physics Track (Supervised by both APS and Physics Departments)
This is appropriate for someone intending to continue on to a graduate program in astrophysics or planetary sciences. It is similar to the Physics Plan 2 (Astrophysics) degree, but with additional labs in astrophysics instrumentation, and with different electives.
Part A: Lower Division Coursework
- Pre- or Co-Requisite Mathematics (16
hours minimum):
- APPM 1350/1360/2350/2360 Calculus I, II, & III and Linear Algebra (16)
- MATH 1300/2300/2400/APPM2360 (18)
- Lower Division Physics (16 hours):
- PHYS 1110/1120/1140 General Physics 1 & 2 (9)
- PHYS 2170 Foundations of Modern Physics (3)
- PHYS 2150 Experimental Physics (1) [Taken with PHYS 2170]
- PHYS 2210 Classical Mechanics and Math Methods 1 (3)
- Lower Division ASTR (8 hours):
- ASTR 1030/1040 Accelerated Introductory Astronomy (4 + 4)
Part B: Upper Division Coursework
- Advanced Physics (12 hour minimum):
- PHYS 3310 Electricity & Magnetism 1 (3)
- PHYS 3320 Electricity & Magnetism 2 (3)
- PHYS 3210 Classical Mechanics and Math Methods 2 (3)
- PHYS 3220 Quantum Mechanics & Atomic Physics 1 (3)
We suggest electives from the following:
- PHYS 4230 Thermodynamics & Statistical Mechanics (3)
- PHYS 4410 Quantum Mechanics & Atomic Physics 2 (3)
- PHYS 4420 Nuclear & Particle Physics (3)
- PHYS 4510 Optics (3)
- PHYS 4150 Plasma Physics (3)
- Advanced ASTR, one of the following two sequences (6 hour minimum):
- ASTR 3720/3750 Planetary sequence (3+3)
- ASTR 3730/3830 Stellar and Galactic Astronomy (3+3)
Plus three additional courses from the following or from those sequence courses not used above (9 hour minimum):
- ASTR 3510 Observations and Instrumentation 1 (4)
- ASTR 3520 Observations and Instrumentation 2 (4)
- ASTR 3710 Formation & Dynamics of Planetary Systems (3)
- ASTR 3740 Cosmology & Relativity (3)
- ASTR 3760 Solar & Space Physics (3)
- ASTR 3800 Scientific Data Analysis & Computing (3) [Requires Calculus III]
- ASTR 4330 Cosmochemistry (3)
- ATOC 4720 Introduction to Atmospheric Physics and Dynamics (3)
- ASEN 4010 Introduction to Space Dynamics (3)
- Any ASTR 5000 or 6000 level course with Instructor's permission
Total Credit Hours:
23 minimum in ASTR, including 15 hrs upper division
28 minimum in PHYS, including 12 hrs upper division
General Astronomy Track
This is appropriate for someone aiming at a career in education, science journalism, science policy, information technology, science management or technical work that does not require a graduate degree.
Part A: Elementary Coursework (25 credit hour minimum)
- ASTR 1030/1040 Accelerated Introductory
Astronomy sequence (8)
ASTR 1010/1020 Introductory Astronomy sequence (8) with permission
- PHYS 1110/1120/1140: General Physics 1 & 2 (9)
- One of the following courses:
- ASTR 2500 (ASEN 2500) Gateway to Space (3)
- PHYS 2130 General Physics 3 (3) [requires Calculus III]
- PHYS 2170 Foundations of Modern Physics (3) [requires Calculus III]
- ASTR 2600 Computational Techniques (3)
Minimum of two additional courses selected from:
- ASTR 2000 Ancient Astronomies (3)
- ASTR 2010 Modern Cosmology (3)
- ASTR 2020 Intro to Space Astronomy (3)
- ASTR 2030 Black Holes (3)
- ASTR 2040 Life in the Universe
- ASTR 2500 Gateway to Space if not taken to satisfy above (3)
- ASTR 2600 Computational Techniques if not taken to satisfy above (3)
Part B: Co-requisites in other Depts (15 credit hour minimum)
- APPM 1350/1360 (8)
MATH 1300/2300 (10): Calculus I & II
- One other science sequence with lab. Can be satisfied by any sequence
that satisfies the A&S Core Natural Sciences Part A including a lab.
- CHEM 1113/1114 and CHEM 1133/1134 (10)
- EBIO 1210/1220/1230 (7)
- GEOL 1010/1020/1030 (7)
- ATOC 1050/1060/1070 (7)
Part C: Advanced course work (18 credit hour minimum)
- One of the following upper-level course
Planetary Sequence (6)
- ASTR 3720 Planets & Their Atmospheres
- ASTR 3750 Planets, Moons & Rings
Stellar/Galactic Sequence (6)
- ASTR 3730 Stellar & Interstellar
- ASTR 3830 Galactic & Extragalactic
- Plus four additional courses from the following or from those sequence courses not used above (12 hr
- ASTR 3510 Observations and Instrumentation 1 (4)
- ASTR 3520 Observations and Instrumentation 2 (4)
- ASTR 3710 Formation & Dynamics of Planetary Systems (3)
- ASTR 3740 Cosmology & Relativity (3)
- ASTR 3760 Solar & Space Physics (3)
- ASTR 3800 Scientific Data Analysis & Computing (3) [Requires Calculus III]
- ASEN 4010 Introduction to Space Dynamics (3)
- ASTR 4330 Cosmochemistry (3)
- ATOC 4720 Introduction to Atmospheric Physics and Dynamics (3)
- ASTR 4800 Space Practice and Policy (3)
- ASTR 5760 Astrophysical Instrumentation (3) with instructor's permission
Total Credit Hours:
43 minimum in ASTR nd PHYS combined