Requirements for the APS Minor
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Course Requirements (6 Courses Required)
Elementary Course Work (Maximum of 3 Courses)
*ASTR 1030/1040 Accelerated Introductory Astronomy 1 & 2
(Solar System / Stars & Galaxies)
ASTR 1010/1020 Introductory Astronomy 1 & 2 with permission.
ASTR 2000 Ancient Astronomies of the World
ASTR 2010 Modern Cosmology - Origin and Structure of the Universe
ASTR 2020 Introduction to Space Astronomy
ASTR 2030 Black Holes
ASTR 2040 Life in the Universe
ASTR/ASEN 2500 Gateway to Space
ASTR 2600 Computational Techniques
Advanced Course Work (Minimum of 3
- Two courses from one
upper-level course sequence:
- Planetary Sequence: ASTR 3720 Planets & Their
Atmospheres AND ASTR 3750 Planets, Moons, & Rings
- Astrophysics Sequence: ASTR 3730 Stellar &
Interstellar; ASTR 3830 Galactic & Extragalactic
- Plus 1 course from the following:
- ASTR 3510 Observations & Instrumentation 1 (with instructor permission)
- ASTR 3520 Observations & Instrumentation 2
- ASTR 3710 Formation & Dynamics of Planetary Systems
- ASTR 3720 Planets and Their Atmospheres
- ASTR 3730 Astrophysics 1
- ASTR 3740 Cosmology and Relativity
- ASTR 3750 Planets, Moons and Rings
- ASTR 3760 Solar and Space Physics
- ASTR 3830 Astrophysics 2
- ASTR 4330 Cosmochemistry
- ATOC 4720 Introduction to Atmospheric Physics and Dynamics
- ASTR 4840 Independent Research
Additional information is available from any faculty mentor.