APS Department Calendar
Weekly Events
- APS Colloquium: JILA Auditorium at 4pm during the academic year. Refreshments are served at 3:45pm in the CASA reading room (Duane, room C324).
Grad students: Lunch with the speaker will be at noon, on the JILA 10th floor -- go to the Local Access page to find the sign-up link.
- APS Faculty Research Talks: Duane D142, 3:00-3:50, during Fall only. Designed to introduce first- and second-year graduate students to the department's research, though all graduate students and undergraduate students are welcome.
- LASP Seminar: LASP Space Tech Building (East Campus) usually at 4:00. Refreshments at 3:45.
Monthly Events
Women in Astronomy -- meets monthly during lunch to discuss issues and create an additional network to help women find careers in the sciences.
Semesterly Events
Spring 2013 commencement: Departmental
pre-commencement ceremony and reception is Thursday, May 9,
1:00-3:00 PM and held at Mary Rippon Theater (outdoor
theater) in Duane G140. The formal university commencement is Friday, May 10,
starting at 8:30 AM at Folsom Field.
Department Room Calendars (via Google Calendar)