Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences Colloquium
Monday, August 22, 2022 at 12:10-1:00PM JILA Auditorium , "Round Robin" Abstract:Dear All, For the first APS Colloquium of the year (Monday, Aug 22 from 12:10- 1:00pm), we are planning to do round robin. All members of APS (faculty, postdocs, and students) are invited and encouraged to participate! Since there will not be any faculty research talks this fall, those interested in taking on students can view this as an opportunity to briefly introduce your research to new grad students and undergrads. But, it is also just a chance for all of us to learn what we all work on! We are calling this the "Round Robin" Colloquium, because each person will have a very short time slot (~1 minute) to present. NO SLIDES will be permitted; instead, each participant may show one image. The nature of the image is totally up to you! We hope it will in some way capture who you are and what you do. Please append your picture at the end of the presentation below: Ip3i3SKjYbo4s/edit?usp=sharing We are looking forward to hearing from all of you!