Support the APS Department

Departmental Initiatives

CCAT Telescope Fund

CCAT Telescope Fund

This fund supports cutting-edge research on the cosmic origins of galaxies, stars, and planets with the large 25-meter CCAT telescope in the Chilean Andes high above the Atacama Plateau at 18,300 feet elevation. This millimeter and sub-millimeter wave telescope was the top-ranked moderate-sized ground-based telescope facility in the 2010 Astrophysics Decadal Survey, and it is the APS Department's top research priority. The fund will support travel, student and faculty research, equipment and technology, and telescope operations within the APS Department at CU Boulder.

Friends of Astronomy Fund

Friends of Astronomy Fund

This fund provides support for both immediate and long-term goals of the APS department. These include new educational initiatives, student travel to meetings or telescopes, and local facilities for teaching and research projects.

Graduate Student Support

Astrophysics Graduate Fellowship Fund

Graduate Fellowship Fund

This fund provides fellowships to support graduate education and research training and attract the nation's top graduate students in astrophysics and planetary science. Our CU graduate astrophysics program was recently ranked #8 in the nation by the National Research Council. To capitalize on our national visibility, we have set up a fund to support fellowships for graduate recruitment and retention.

Chance Irick Cooke Graduate Scholarship Fund

Cooke Scholarship Fund

Provides support for fellowships for graduate students in APS in honor of Chance Irick Cooke

Carl Hansen Memorial Fellowship Fund

Hansen Scholarship Fund

Rewards graduate student achievement in coursework and research in honor of Emeritus APS Professor Carl Hansen.

Ray Mace Smith Graduate Scholarship Fund

Smith Scholarship Fund

Provides support for graduate students in APS in honor of Ray Mace Smith’s outstanding accomplishments and contributions not only to the profession of physics but also to the theological community.

Undergraduate Support

Theodore Snow Undergraduate Scholarship Fund

Undergraduate Scholarship Fund

Provides scholarships to the best undergraduates in the APS Astronomy Major Program to encourage them in their studies and to enter research in astrophysics. In honor of Emeritus Professor Theodore Snow who contributed to the APS Department for over 30 years as a professor.

Susan B. Wesley Undergraduate Scholarship Fund

Wesley Undergraduate Scholarship Fund

This fund provides scholarships to support the education and research of our very best undergraduate majors. These scholarships are supported by an endowment named in honor of Susan E. Wesley which we hope to grow in size and scope. The CU Astronomy B.A. degree program is now the nation's largest, with over 150 majors and 25 graduates each year, many headed to graduate school or starting careers at national labs and observatories or in K-12 teaching, the aerospace industry, and scientific computing. Our best students supported by these scholarships are working with APS faculty and researchers and often write senior Honors Theses.

Astronomy Learning Enhancement Fund

Astronomy Learning Enhancement Fund

This fund primarily supports the use of undergraduate Learning Assistants (LAs) in the APS Department's large-enrollment courses. The LA model at the University of Colorado-Boulder uses the transformation of large-enrollment science courses as a mechanism for achieving four goals: 1) To recruit and prepare talented science majors for careers in teaching, 2) To engage science faculty in the recruitment and preparation of future teachers, 3) To improve the quality of science education for all undergraduates, and 4) To transform departmental cultures to value research-based teaching for ourselves and for our students. Since the inception of the LA Program, the number of certified K12 science teachers graduating from CU has more than doubled.

Other Giving Opportunities

Chair's Discretionary Fund

Chair's Discretionary Fund

Provides discretionary support for the Department of Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences.

Other Funds Not Specified Here

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