Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences Colloquium

Tuesday, October 31, 2017 at 10 am

JILA Auditorium

Jorge Moreno, Pomona College

"Surviving and Thriving as Students of Color in STEM"

A Pretty Image from the Talk


In this talk I will describe the status of people of color in physics and astronomy, and recent efforts as chair of the AAS Committee on the Status of Minorities in Astronomy, and one of the few Indigenous-Latinx professors of astronomy, to combat racism in our field. Here racism is defined as racial prejudice plus societal power, in line with critical race theory. Efforts include our recent Town Hall on Racism and the Harvard Banneker-Aztlán Institute, which, unlike other ‘diversity’ efforts, is focused on social justice. Lastly, I will discuss the need of re-writing the script of how we organize ourselves as scientist, based on Zapatista systems of thought.


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